I wrote to Grassley in this very topic a few weeks ago. He (or his staffers) sent back to explain just why something can’t get done on this issue. I got the usual windy response, this time saying that SCHUMER could bring any one of these nominee’s names to the floor for a vote. Of course, that would take weeks upon weeks to bring EVERY nominee eligible for promotion up to a vote. Grassley apparently enjoys playing Neville Chamberlain.

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Grassley has been a colossal disappointment for many years now. Again, I go back to his nonsense statement about "pulling the plug on Grandma" in the early days of the debate about passing the Affordable Care Act. Instead of accepting the invitation from the Obama Administration and coming to the table with his concerns so he could be part of the discussion and solution he became a useless bomb thrower. Just think, we could now have a very strong and extremely thoughtful, intelligent voice at the table if Iowans had been wise enough to elect Admiral Michael Franken to be our representative in the United States Senate instead of this old, worn out man. What In The Hell Has Happened To Iowa?

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Exactly. The pull the plug on grandma line was the end of the road for me with him, too. It was obviously a fraud. I never really had high expectations for him though because even when everyone thought he was a maverick early in his career, he was running with the right wing politically. He’s never actually been what he claimed to be.

The 25-30 year old photos he ran in his re-election campaign ads last time around were the perfect metaphor for his career.

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Sad and true.

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Grassley is almost worthless to Iowa. What a sad legacy.

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Expect more of Chuck? The man is 90 years old — the oldest member of the Senate! Notoriously out-of-touch Iowans don't expect Chuck to do anything in Washington, just to keep his seat from being occupied by a Democrat. Which is why, even though most Iowans didn't want him to run again in 2022, the White Peoples Party begged him to do so... The possibility that a Democrat might win the seat if another WPP hack was on the ballot was simply too great a risk to take. Chuck will mostly likely resign shortly after the 2024 election, giving Kimmy Kay an appointment and avoiding the indignity of giving Iowans a choice until at least 2026.

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