Jun 9Liked by Barry Piatt

I used to put Joni in the same box with Chuck Grassley- she is also a colossal disappointment. But, as Chuck has become, she is now also a dangerous joke. Iowa deserves better than these two.

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Jun 9Liked by Barry Piatt

Agree on your assessment of both Joni and Chuck. I’m not so sure we as a state deserve better. The majority has spoken and spoken and spoken in Iowa. Ad nauseam. Sadly, for those of us perpetually outside that majority —-assuming one has adequate means to jump ship and that’s a big assumption —-a neighboring state or two looks mighty, mighty inviting. Just saying.

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A case can certainly be made, Marcy, that Iowa is, indeed, getting what it votes for, and until what it is voting for changes, it is getting what it has “earned.”

What I was thinking is that there are a lot of good people in the state who are not voting for this partisan, even corrupt chaos, and they deserve better. The state, which has often had progressive and forward thinking past also does not deserve to be mired in the current muck.

But you are right. A state gets what it votes for, and Iowa has been voting for this for some time now.

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Marcy- Jumping ship will not help. Staying and debating and voting for progress will. The reactionaries all want you to act as follows: “Iowa, love it or leave it.” Don’t give them the pleasure, please!

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Jun 9Liked by Barry Piatt

I get your position, Josiah, and I agree with you in principle. At 67, my battle gear is pretty worn down, though. IPERS is a blessing, believe me, and I worked my butt off to earn it, but it isn’t buying me a condo in Minnesota. Here I stay. 🙄

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Jun 9Liked by Barry Piatt

Marcy, I'm afraid too many of us boomers are in the same position. We're tired of it all. But it's time for us to stand up and be heard. Fire this woman or stop paying taxes to support her. Since we can't do the latter I guess we'd better make sure she is fired.

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No, no don't get worn down. We're continuing to be governed by people far older than you and I!! And if not older in age, then more decrepit in spirit.

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So true, Kathi.

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Jun 9Liked by Barry Piatt

But, Barry, don’t you understand that Sen. Breadbagger is not acting in the name of Iowans who are are ‘fed up’ with the Biden Administration? As if all Iowans think in the same way. Like all members of her party, Joni Ernst believes her responsibility is only to the most extreme of her voters. In her view, there is no such thing as the public interest.

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I think you meant “is acting in the name of..,,” rather than “is not acting in the name of….. ” right, Brian?

Good point. There is no such thing as the “public interest” in their mind any more. Only partisan interest.

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Actually, I meant ‘not acting’ as in not legislating. Steve King learned a long time ago that his constituents didn’t care whether he ever introduced a single piece of legislation (which he never did, to my knowledge). They just wanted him to own the libs.

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Ah. Ok. Got it. Now I understand.

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Breadbagger…..ok that’s funny.

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Jun 9Liked by Barry Piatt

Those senators have pledged their corruption, ie, to use her public office for solely partisan purposes.

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Did Sen. Ernst express any concerns before the verdict was issued? Did Sen. Ernst distinguish why she thinks DOJ is acting political from the DOJ's prosecution of Rep. Cuellar, Sen. Mendenez and Hunter Biden? Did Sen. Ernst offer any evidence of Biden trying to influence any of these cases? Did Ernst separate herself from the retribution comments from Trump? Those are 4 strikes against her.

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You are right, Ralph. The answer to each of your questions is NO.

What she is doing is pure, 100%. Un- American demagoguery.

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Meanwhile, she is out making public relations (and publicly paid) visits to selected businesses in towns like ours to smile and trash the Democrats. That is her Senate “job,” apparently.

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I have a hard time believing she did a fair job as auditor of Montgomery County.

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Cathy, She was a good auditor and is a very likable person, which makes her political views all the more incomprehensible and painful for me. I practiced law in that county for many decades.

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Since the Governor tied the hands of the State Auditor, we'll likely never know.

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