No, this is NOT normal. Our senators have been corrupted—by fear? By power? By the need to be an accepted part of the Republican group think? I don’t know. Like you, I just can’t imagine how they justify their positions, or how they sleep at night, really. I have never in my life as an Iowan, felt less represented in my government.

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Well stated, Virginia.. I know “group think” is real and can be powerful, but what they are doing today makes no sense on any level

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Jun 16Liked by Barry Piatt

I’d also note here the proximity to D-Day and in general honoring the sacrifice and service of our military personnel which I still think most Iowans and most Americans display. There is a stark, glaring difference between Biden, who clearly respects them and honors them, and Trump, who can’t bother risking getting wet that whatever-that-sculpted-mess-is on top of his head and has called them “ losers.” Ernst is a veteran herself. Her service should be noted and respected. Yes, to her credit, she has voted for legislation that helps military personnel, but her obvious and cynical support of Trump should disgust anyone who honors the sacrifice and service of our military members. I’d think she has a lot of explaining to do to her fellow vets.

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Good points, Marcy. The proximity of the D-Day anniversary is, indeed, important to note. Over 4,000 Americans died on the beaches of Normandy that day and tens of thousands of other lives were changed forever.

All to preserve our freedom and America’s democracy - both of which they are willing to hand over willingly to a man who has made clear he will pull the plug on both.

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Jun 16Liked by Barry Piatt

Apparently fighting fascism and its enablers didn’t end with WWII, and NO amount of contortionist cherry- picked rationalizations or willful ignorance justifies this.

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Jun 16Liked by Barry Piatt

Our Senators support this would-be dictator in order to advance their own careers. I doubt either of them will ever wake up to what Trump is. They are simply blind and deaf, and are leading their party members like lemmings. It’s incomprehensible and unforgivable.

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I agree with you, Josiah.

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Not sure how much career Chuck has left. Realistically, not a lot at 90. He’s pretty much sealed his legacy. Joni, oh, yeah. She’s full steam ahead.

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Jun 16Liked by Barry Piatt

The old man wants his legacy carried on by his Grandson, similar to what the kingdoms of yore did. The reality that Grassley ignores is if Trump gains the Presidency again, he's promised the various oil companies that he'll eliminate any mandates that cause extra expenses, one BIG one being Biofuels (Ethanol). That will ruin those plants operating in Iowa and with the excess Corn not being used, drop its price by half. You'll notice Chuck has said nothing about this reality, likely fearful of angering the unstable 'genius' and sinking any agricultural support.

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Jun 16Liked by Barry Piatt

Unfortunately Sen. Grassley could be around long enough to shape the Supreme Court even further toward his “philosophies”.

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Yes, they are "normalizing" bad behaviors and it is disgusting. When will it end?

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