Thank you for writing this straight forward exposure of the devastating loss of our senators to the extremist right. The change in both senators, but especially Chuck Grassley is proof positive of the power and danger of this extremist right wing movement. We are on the precipice of losing our democracy, and need every citizen to step up, to volunteer, to vote. Your voice is loud and clear. Thank you for raising it.

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Thank you, Virginia. We are, indeed, on a dangerous precipice for our democracy. It s going to take thoughtful action by every clear thinking citizen who backs democracy to save it.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Barry Piatt

Once you step into the MAGA maze, the entry disappears and you are sucked into an alternate universe. None of it makes any sense. And it takes amazing fortitude to escape. Unfortunately, some Republicans will follow like lemmings marching to the cliff because they can’t imagine a life without their political position.

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Well said, Margaret, and spot on.

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