Feb 4Liked by Barry Piatt

And…I still want to see Grassley under oath to find out what he really knew about the lead up to January 6th events and what he really planned to do on that date, given his Senate role had Pence not shown up. If he musters more than a folksy, convenient,”Well, now, you know, that was a long time ago and I really don’t remember…”

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Feb 4Liked by Barry Piatt

Well written, truthful, but much more than "sad." Traitorous is more accurate, blissfully ignoring the Constitution he swore to uphold. When Grassley famously stood next to Trump, lending his overt support to perhaps the most vile, dishonest, vindictive, "grab 'em by the ***" President in history (along with his two impeachment votes), he told every Iowan everything we needed to know about his own character/cowardice. "Iowa nice" has repeatedly elected nothing more than a thug who dishonors his Office.

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I always appreciate what you write, Barry. Thank you for calling out Grassley on this latest disappointment. When I read about this recent statement of his, I was not shocked, as sadly, does anything shock us any more? But I was so sad about his disregard for the families in his state. Although I don't believe Iowa is his state any longer. If it's not about being submerged in the DC Republican Club, he has no interest. I am so hopeful he will be replaced with someone who truly does care.

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Absolutely right, Barry! He is more disappointing than ever, and Iowans deserve much better!

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Feb 4Liked by Barry Piatt

He is a pathetic old man.

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