Im a Joe Biden person from way way back: followed him thru the early years and then stood for him in an unviable first choice in 2008 (worked my tail off forObama afterwards!); and watched Biden eke out a viable group in 2020.

I think you have hit the nail squarely on the head!! 1) Joe Biden is a good President 2) Joe Biden has never done well at Iowa Caucus - and I bet he wouldn’t, even now!

(And spot on too - about Franken - Altho his own people didn’t do him any favors out in the rurals.

I’m sharing this with my county and district folks ..... it’s a tough sell (caucus is always a crap shoot) but getting there - hosting and vetting the candidates - is the only way to make politics relevant to the average voter.

And maybe it’s just me - but I think Iowans are looking for “HOPE” and “INSPIRATION” ..... and that might not come from Joes and my generation.

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It's not the 1980s anymore. No one thinks Iowa is a swing state anymore and there is no reason for the DNC not to bring down the hammer.

I agree with John Deeth: "Every hour and dollar wasted on fighting a battle for First that is already lost is time and money not spent building for the future. First will be very hard to replace. But accepting the loss and accepting our diminished role in the nomination process is a necessary first step in the long hard fight toward winning back the state."


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Well-made arguments but at the essence of all of this, Iowa doesn’t reflect the make up of the nation, and shouldn’t hold so much power in deciding on the nominee. Yes, the DNC is a shady character in the drama but getting the best nominee needs to be the process outcome. Iowa and New Hampshire are not the best fertile soil to get that.

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