The economic deck is stacked against the average Iowan and American. Our children don't have the same opportunity that we had and even less than our parents. Many of my friends and classmates who grew up on the South Side of Des Moines with me have not enjoyed the success that I have or they probably hoped for. All of the Firestone Tire builders and good industrial jobs have faded in Des Moines. John Deere is moving jobs to Mexico - again.

My children are doing ok if you ignore the huge student loan debt they are dragging along and the ridiculous health insurance costs they face. A little break with a child tax credit would go a long way in helping our grandchildren. We can help but there are many who don't have the help.

My daughter tells me of the various elementary students who approach her wearing the same clothes each day and saying they didn't have anything to eat the night before. She teaches in a rural Texas "Middle Class" district. You will probably find a similar situation in most school districts around the United States. I would not be surprised to see the demographics of formal industrial towns like Ottumwa, Cedar Rapids, and othrs showing the same thing.

An American middle class is rapidly evaporating - if it still exists. The sad thing is that supporters of Grassley, Ernst, and their fellow lizards can't see that. We can only hope that Kamala and the Democratic Party can win in Novemeber to chip away at that.

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They not only don’t see it, I really don’t think they’d care if they did. They just turned their back on 48,000 Iowa kids who could have benefited from this tax credit even as we know / from experience - the positive impact it could have had on their young lives.

Meanwhile, the next big tax break for giant corporations and the very, very wealthy? Bring it on say Iowa’s senators.

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Thank you for your clear-eyed focus on our senators, Barry. Their cruelty to Iowa’s children is sickening, and I think their modeling rubs off on the state legislature’s Republican led decision making. As you point out, Iowans deserve so much better.

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Good point, Virginia. Other Republicans take their cues from the Senator, and unfortunately, the Governor, too - which says a lot about the deterioration in Iowa’s politics and government over recent years. No longer Bob Ray’s Iowa, that’s for sure.

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I notice Grassley in photos lately wearing his farmer costume of blue jeans and plaid shirt, trying to give the appearance that he is just normal ol’ Chuck who is like all the other regular Iowans. And Joni seems pleased with herself doing smiley selfie videos while being driven in the car on her way to the next Republican fundraiser.

I wondered how these two voted on this child tax credit bill. Thank you for reporting the details.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Author

You’re welcome, Jim. Thanks for reading, and caring about this - and the kids.

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