I kept looking, futilely, all week to see what Iowa’s elected leaders would say about this invasion of U.S. soldiers’ final resting place for personal political gain. Even war horse Joni was silent. Their fealty to Trump apparently supersedes their integrity. Thanks for your summary.

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Thank you, Jim. As Sen. Joni Ernst seeks to move up the Republican Caucus leadership ladder in the Senate, I’m afraid we can expect her to choose the blatant, politically partisan path over Iowa and the country even more often than she does now.

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Sep 1Liked by Barry Piatt

Exactly! Thank you, Barry.

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Thank you, Kathy! Your comment is much appreciated.

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Ashley Hinson, not Hinton. Yeah, I'm an inveterate typo pointer-outer.

But, yeah, I also agree with your spot-on observation. Republicans have cemented their rep for "backing the blue" and "respecting our troops" so much with unending self-adulation that they think this awful show of disrespect will go unnoticed.

Thanks to folks like you, Barry, for making sure this issue gets due attention.

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Thank you, Chris. I appreciate your comment. It really has reached the point that so much of what they say they stand for they do not. “Backing the blue” and “respecting our troops” are two classic examples.

Thanks also for the typo spotting. I appreciate that as well.

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For the record - Trump was invited to Arlington by the families of the 13 American soldiers slaughtered needlessly because of Harris and Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Trump campaign didn’t originate the request and cleared all agenda items while there with the National Park Service. Kamala Harris and her demented mentor, Joe Biden, cannot bring themselves to even mention the names of the young patriotic men and women they let die. Truly pathetic you’d even try to spin it. You’re a human. I get it. Humans are flawed. Your reporting is pathetic. And, that’s something you have control over.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 3Author

The National Park Service has nothing to do with the administration of Arlington National Cemetery. The Department of the Army operates it. So, nice try on your fiction about everything supposedly being cleared first with the National Park Service.”

The truth is just the opposite.

The Trump campaign was informed - clearly and specifically - what the rules were and what was and was not permitted, and pushed the cemetery official out of the way to do what they wanted to do regardless of the rules. That’s why the police were called.

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A September 4th article in the Washington Post by Glenn Kessler can help clear up your confusion regarding the Afghanistan pullout. Read it.

Then you may realize that what you think you know about it just ain’t so.

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The Washington Post is as reliable as Barry Piatt.

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I’m not the one who offered the fiction that the National Park Service runs Arlington National Cemetery. That was you.

The Post has won many Pulitzers, so I’ll take the comparison as a high compliment.

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We all experience times when MSM like WaPo, the NYT, and the 3 TV networks prove unreliable.

This piece, however, has Trump quotes you may be unfamiliar with.

Read it. Don’t just be snide. Read it.

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I didn’t write anything about the Afghanistan pull out. You need to adjust your AI generator.

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I was replying to Dean Weitenhagen, not you, Barry. Your article was spot on.

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Also, Zach Nunn, not Zack Nunn. (I can't help proofreading.) Speaking of whom, his recent TV ad falls flat with those of us who are aware that Trump torpedoed legislation that would have addressed the "crisis at the border." Even Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) nodded "yes" when President Biden pointed this out in his State Of The Union speech.

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