Kiss off, Barry. If Jordon committed a crime then I’m the first to say arrest him. These accusations seem convenient just as Jordon is considered for speaker. Makes you just another hack.
BTW I do not support Jordon and certainly not Trump.
That’s a pretty low standard for Speaker of the House: If there was no crime, he’s qualified. The accusations, btw, didn’t just surface concurrent with the Speaker’s race. They’ve been around for a good while.
Thanks for reading “Piatt on Politics: Behind the Curtains.”
Thank you for clearly writing what many are thinking. Public “service” seems to no longer be a correct definition of our elected officials.
I apologize for my earlier harsh tone. My point remains. Accusations are just that.
Kiss off, Barry. If Jordon committed a crime then I’m the first to say arrest him. These accusations seem convenient just as Jordon is considered for speaker. Makes you just another hack.
BTW I do not support Jordon and certainly not Trump.
That’s a pretty low standard for Speaker of the House: If there was no crime, he’s qualified. The accusations, btw, didn’t just surface concurrent with the Speaker’s race. They’ve been around for a good while.
Thanks for reading “Piatt on Politics: Behind the Curtains.”