This article made me cry, Barry. This is not the Iowa I grew up in and always had faith in to do what's right. As a former public school employee, the issues with schools and our highly-dedicated teachers break my heart. On the good news front: I worked the polls during the last election and was surprised at how many voters thanked me for doing so. I am going to desperately hope that we can get back to being the Iowa I know we can be. Without hope, where are we?

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One fundamental part of any democracy is truth, and to insure we all know what that is, the Bill of Rights offered up "freedom of the press" to guarentee there would be an airing of the facts concerning what was happening in politics or any situation concerning the public. Unfortunately, with the consolidation of newspapers and other media in the hands of the wealthy few , they often don't support "truth." Often supporting "yellow journalism" and freedom of the press has become meaningless. What was the truth now could be called "Pravda" the leading newspaper in the Soviet Union, (the word translates to "the truth"!)

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Substack needs an “ Agree” button rather than just a “ Like” button. I’ve always said, “ Don’t think it can’t happen here.” The slow creep of fascism has the apparent support of the well- monied and powerful along with the Christian Nationalists and the basement conspiracy theorists and their followers. In fact, the slow creep isn’t fast enough for them. As an Iowan and an American, I guess I get to say , “ I told you so. It CAN and likely WILL happen here. We are on a fast track now.” This will be a very bad ride.

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