If you haven’t already, you should check out Rachel Maddow’s pod cast series, “Bagman” which discusses the Agnew prosecution

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Great article, Barry, thank you. I does seem that the leadership of the Republican Party in Iowa and across the country suffers from a chronic inability to be shamed.

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In Goldwater!s 1988 autobiography, he said he told Nixon he had ten Senate votes “at most” if impeachment came to trial. “Maybe less. Some aren’t firm.” Scott agreed.

Goldwater continued, “I could see that NIxon’s blood pressure was rising. Now was the time to warn him without causing him to make some reckless, suicidal move. I said, ‘I took a nose count in the Senate today. You have four firm votes. The rest are undecided. I’m one of them.’ “

Goldwater also wrote of Nixon, “Unfortunately, despite the positive contributions the former president made to his country, his lies will probably be remembered longer than his legitimate labors. He was the most dishonest individual I ever met in my life.”

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