Mar 3Liked by Barry Piatt

As a “ confused Democrat,” I wrote to Grassley last week. I too would like some answers and not a highly managed floor speech and telephone event. We shall see if he or his office responds, but since coming out with his personal accolades the other day, I suspect a cut and paste job if I get any response. My questions to him were as follows:

1. Who gave you the unvetted material you chose to make public concerning apparent lies made by Alexander Smirnov?

2. What personal and political connections do you have to whomever helped persuade you to make public this unvetted material?

3. What statement have you made concerning the revelation that Alexander Smirnov ( sitting in jail now) is clearly Russian - connected and peddling disinformation?

4. As an Iowan whom you supposedly represent , am I to believe that you willfully, willingly and readily choose to peddle pro- Russian disinformation simply because it furthers some personal or political agenda you have?

A simple apology to Iowans and the American public that you were duped might be appropriate. Short of that, one must believe this is just another example of a pattern of behavior you’ve chosen for some end that clearly weakens our homeland security and our international standing as well.

Which is it?

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Excellent questions. More Iowans need to be asking for answers. Thanks for writing to him. I’ll be interested to see if you get a reply, and if so, what that reply is.

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Mar 3Liked by Barry Piatt

Thanks. I agree. More Iowans and Americans in general need to write him, call his office, etc. I expect a reply. He ( or his staffers anyway) have never failed in that regard, but based on the usual responses to my prior letters over the years, it will be nonsense…and somewhat condescending. Regardless, keep swinging, I guess.

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I did get a reply today. Just as anticipated, he thinks he’s holding the stalling FBI to account, apparently perceives himself a hero and the American public should think so too, provides links of his recent speech noting such, and essentially chastised me (as I expected) for buying into the “ Russian disinformation” hype. Chuck and staff are totally predictable. Have a nice day. Nothing to see here, folks.

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Mar 3Liked by Barry Piatt

I understand the contemporary Spiro Agnew attack on media. It works well with Trump. It does not wear well with Grassley. I also am confused about his confused Democrats comment. This is not some tweet where he made an understandable typo. If anything Smirnov was good enough to confuse quite a few of Grassley’s fellow Republicans.

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I think he understands what a mess he’s created and been caught in - hence the careful stage managing of his delayed response. I think he hopes he can “Aw shucks” his way through this one, too.

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I also wrote to Grassley asking for honest answers regarding this matter. Receiving a response from him? I won't hold my breath...

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Connie, I’ve always gotten responses, but rarely do they really answer the questions I ask.

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