Just a couple days ago, Feenstra’s social media post lamented how the Republican house ag committee leaders had “approved” a farm bill, but the problem, predictably, is the Democrats. People like me out in the hinterlands think, gee, he must be doing his job. He does not explain the disagreements about shifting limited farm bill funds away from food protection or conservation supporting programs.

Thank you, Barry, for this update.

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Yes, a Republican trick in talking about this is to say they want more money for X in the farm bill, but not explaining that how they intend to do this is to take money away from other parts of the farm bill and put it to other thugs in the farm bill, with no additional money put into the farm bill.

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Your quip is perfect.

And so are your comments about Iowa’s senators and representatives. This has been a do-nothing Congress

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Oct 6Liked by Barry Piatt

Love the quip!

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Thanks for the feedback!

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Oct 6Liked by Barry Piatt

SWAQ: YES! …not to mention fact check my creds.

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Thanks for the feedback!

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Barry: This is all true. The Republicans have become masters of spinning lies while the media masters try to normalize this behavior.

A majority of Iowans and nearly 50% of the rest of America will try to bring back the "Do Nothing" Congress and risk giving the reins of power to a psycopath and the members of his cult.

The vast majority of the voters for these criminals are voting against their own best interests and are yet unable to see that they are - see the proposed tariffs or rejection of child tax credits.

I would usually suggest we pray for wisdom but the Christian Nationalists have twisted that thought, too.

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